Focus on recovery with CoverMe® Critical Illness Insurance

Following a critical illness diagnosis, it's important to be able to make decisions about where you'll get treatment, what medications you'll take, how you'll make your home more accessible, and when or if you'll return to work – without worrying about the financial consequences. CoverMe® Critical Illness Insurance can help you pay for what you need so you can concentrate on your recovery.

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Who's eligible

  • Canadian residents
  • Age 18 to 65

What it pays

  • $25,000 (up to age 65)
  • $50,000 (up to age 60) 
  • $75,000 (up to age 55) 
  • Benefit paid 30 days after diagnosis
  • No restrictions on how you spend the money

What it covers

  • Life-threatening cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Coronary bypass surgery
  • Aortic surgery

How to apply and renew

  • No medical questions or exams – simply sign a declaration of your good health
  • Keep your policy to age 75 even if your health changes
  • Your policy cannot be cancelled unless you stop paying the premiums

Support after diagnosis

  • If you’re looking for a second opinion, you can connect with a registered nurse case manager by phone. They will guide you through the process, gather the appropriate medical records, and help get answers to any questions along the way. With their help, a multi-disciplinary team of specialists from recognized hospitals and academic institutions, will review your case to help ensure you have the correct diagnosis and optimal treatment plan. 

Get your premiums back if you don't get sick

  • Add the Return of Premium Option when you buy your policy 
  • Receive up to your benefit amount when you turn 75 if you have not made a claim
  • Available for Canadian residents age 18 to 55

Save when you apply before your next birthday and when you stop smoking

  • Critical illness insurance premiums are based on your sex, smoking status and age. By applying now, before your next birthday, you can lock in a lower premium for the next 5 years. If you're a smoker and you stop smoking, you can apply for non-smoker rates – up to 50% lower – once you have been a non-smoker for 12 months.
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Top 5 questions about critical illness insurance

The CoverMe Critical Illness Insurance plan was designed for healthy individuals between the ages of 18 and 65, who want a basic amount of affordable critical illness coverage that can be obtained quickly, easily and without completing a medical questionnaire. 

In the Critical Illness Insurance Health Declaration, "signs and/or symptoms" of heart disease means any indication that heart disease may exist – for example:

  • Chest pain
  • Chest discomfort possibly radiating to arms, neck or jaw
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweats
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness

However, these signs or symptoms could be caused by conditions other than heart disease.

In the Critical Illness Insurance Health Declaration, "medical consultations" means visits to a doctor or medical practitioner prompted by signs or symptoms related to the conditions named in the Health Declaration. Medical consultations do not include routine check-ups that were not prompted by these signs or symptoms.

In the Critical Illness Insurance Health Declaration, "abnormal tests" means tests that have a "positive" result or require further testing, investigation or consultation – for example:

  • Positive ECG
  • Positive stress test
  • Positive chest x-ray
  • Elevated PSA test
  • Positive mammogram
  • Elevated blood sugar test,
  • Positive colonoscopy

They do not include tests with "negative" or normal results that do not require further investigation, run for either diagnostic or routine purposes.

You may still be eligible. However, you are not eligible if you have had an abnormal ECG or been diagnosed with or experienced symptoms of coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, TIA or heart surgery.

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