Add 15 years to your life by walking

A step-by-step guide to get moving.

Did you know that walking at a faster than normal pace can add 15 years to your life? It’s true! That’s 180 months or 5,475 days or 131,400 hours, depending on how you do the math. What are you going to do with all that free time?

Infographics adding 15 years to your life by walking

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Sources: “How Walking Fast Can Extend Your Life by 15 Years or More,” July 2019. “How Many Steps Are In a Mile?” August 2019. “How Many Calories Will I Burn Walking Briskly for 30 Minutes a Day 7 Days a Week?” June 2019. “Meet the slowest animals of the world,” September 2015. “What Are the Benefits of Walking?” November 8, 2018., “The benefits of walking and how to get the most out of it,” May 2019. “Here’s Exactly How Much Water You Should Drink Every Day,” January 2019. “5 surprising benefits of walking,” 2019